
Green Detox Programs - Everything You Need to Know

Green Detox Programs - Everything You Need to Know

The world of the detox is vast and complicated. You'll find everything from snake oil salesmen selling sugar pills to multivitamin regimens to juice cleanses and more. Navigating this world is complex enough that it's no surprise many people want someone to assist them. That's where a green detox program comes in.  A program, as the name implies, is more than just a bottle of supplements and some instructions. It's a full plan, including a wide range of beneficial and supplemental elements. Let's talk about it! Two Kinds of Green Detox Programs First up, when we talk about a green...

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What is the Strongest Fat Burner on the Market Today?

What is the Strongest Fat Burner on the Market Today?

There are a wide variety of different weight loss supplements available today. We're talking hundreds if not thousands of different products, ranging from rebranded caffeine pills to carefully formulated vitamin and natural chemical supplements. They can be fat burners, they can be appetite suppressants, they can be energy boosters, and most of the time they're all of that and more. Fat burners are, as often as not, combinations of multiple ingredients meant to stimulate your body into having more energy, which makes you more willing to exercise to burn fat, while suppressing your appetite to make you consume fewer calories,...

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How to Repair Damaged Hair from Curling and Straightening

How to Repair Damaged Hair from Curling and Straightening

  Sometimes, people with straight hair want to curl it. Sometimes, people with curly hair want to straighten it. In both cases, one of the most effective ways to do it is with heat. Heat treatments with a curling iron or flat iron can tame hair quite well. The problem is, this application of heat isn't entirely safe. Oh, disregarding the risk of burns from a hot iron, heat treatments damage hair. Performing the treatment once might not be so bad, but more frequent treatments – such as those necessary to maintain an appearance over time – can leave hair...

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How Omega-3's Can Help Reduce Oily Skin and Sebum Production

How Omega-3's Can Help Reduce Oily Skin and Sebum Production

Oily skin can be an ongoing nightmare for many people. Reliance on skin cleansers, small lapses leaving you feeling greasy and ill, acne flare-ups at the drop of a hat; it can be miserable. What if, though, there was a natural way to help control it? If you have oily skin, you've probably grown to fear oily foods and oil-based supplements. Oily creams and skin treatments don't do anything to help the problem, oily foods just give your body more to work with, and you end up feeling gross inside and out. This sort of knowledge is, unfortunately, a mixture...

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