Having children is one of the most important decisions any couple can make. Bringing a new life into this world and raising them to be part of the next generation of leaders is, perhaps, one of the most daunting and rewarding challenges in the world. While creating a new life is beautiful, it is not a perfect part of the human experience.
Our ability to have children is determined by fertility levels, which are not always perfect for everyone. Some people, regardless of sex, suffer from infertility and will have a more difficult time having children. In extreme cases, a person is infertile and cannot have children. While low fertility levels can be discouraging, it does not necessarily mean you cannot adjust to the situation.
For centuries, bolstering fertility levels has been a major concept across society. While the earliest concept of enhancing fertility involved prayer, humanity eventually began using supplements from naturally occurring plant life to improve fertility levels. While the concept is older, there might still be some merit to the practice. Some compounds do have the potential to improve fertility levels and provide other benefits to optimize the body for childbirth. The real struggle is navigating the different options and determining which supplements are viable as fertility enhancers and which are just a waste of time.
Option #1: Damiana
As with most things, the natural options are better for your overall health when compared to their synthetic analogs. This is why plants were among old medicine's most common and powerful fertility supplements. One of the more interesting plants used for bolstering fertility is Turnera diffusa, colloquially referred to as damiana.
Damiana is an interesting shrub native to Mexico and the Americas, most commonly found in southern Texas. The shrub is best known for its spice-like odor, reminiscent of chamomile, which has earned it a place as an ingredient in Mexican liqueur. Despite its status as an ingredient for alcohol, damiana also has potential benefits for human fertility levels.
Damiana has been the subject of multiple studies for some time, and some of this research has identified damiana as a potential fertility supplement for women. Currently, no research supports damiana as a tool for directly altering fertility hormone levels. Damiana's true potential lies in enhancing the physical side of conception by improving the reproductive drive of the human body. Typically, damiana is used to improve the quality of sexual intercourse by reducing vaginal dryness while improving the quality and frequency of orgasms.
While this is not directly tied to fertility levels, damiana improving the facets of sexual intercourse make it easier to try for a child. This benefit is a result of damiana being able to reduce the tension in your muscles and help them relax. Doing so loosens the body and enables it to endure longer while allowing certain biological functions to be more efficient. So, despite damiana not being a direct method for improving fertility, it serves as a method for improving the reproductive nature of the body. Fortunately, damiana is not the only supplement available.
Option #2: Maca Root
Like damiana, the next supplement is a naturally occurring plant, albeit one of a different sort. The Lepidium meyenii root, known as maca, is a Peruvian plant that initially gained traction as a culinary tool. Despite being used in the kitchen for some time, maca root has since developed a reputation as an effective health supplement capable of enhancing body parts and functions previously thought to be immutable. Among the many benefits of maca root, the most interesting one is its ability to improve the odds of conceiving a child. While the research supporting this is still somewhat limited, the results are extremely promising.
The first major benefit maca offers is similar to those offered by damiana. Maca has been linked to increasing the libido of those who consume it, especially in biological women. Low libido, while not tied to fertility per se, is still a huge detriment to being able to conceive a child since sex is a requirement. The effects of maca have even shown promise in overpowering the effects of antidepressants on the sex drive. This evidence comes from a study conducted in 2015 using a sample pool of 45 women on antidepressant medication.
The antidepressants had begun to impact the women's sex drives and lowered their libido to an extreme degree. The study had the women take 3,000 mg of maca root daily for 12 weeks. By the end of the 12 weeks, the women showed noticeably higher libido and sexual function. Fortunately, maca's benefits from having a child do not end with the physical desire for sex and can even benefit men.
One of the more impressive functions of maca root on human fertility is its effect on sperm. While it is easy to forget that men can suffer from low fertility, it does not make it any less of a pressing issue. Generally, low fertility in men relates to the sperm count in their semen and the health of the existing sperm. To that end, studies on maca have shown it has the potential to correct issues on both of these fronts. The main study corroborating this took place in 2020 and assessed the effects of maca root on men with low sperm counts.
A total of 69 men with low sperm counts and sperm with poor motility (the ability of sperm to swim) were gathered for the experiment. The men in the test group were given 2 grams of maca daily for 12 weeks. While the motility of the sperm did not increase, the men in the test group showed notably higher sperm counts than when the experiment began.
While these results are promising, it is important to remember that the research is still ongoing, and new information is being discovered. That said, the results of the 2015 and 2020 experiments have turned maca root into an extremely promising supplement for enhancing the fertility levels of men and women alike.
Option #3: Moringa
Our next option is the Moringa oleifera plant, which remains in line with this article's plant-heavy list of supplements. Moringa oleifera, or moringa, is a plant native to India with a history of herbal medicine. Moringa's uses might have originated in herbal medicine, but that has not impeded its use in modern times as a health supplement. While moringa has been used for over 300 conditions in its lifetime, one of the lesser-known functions is improving fertility levels. Like maca root, moringa is one of the few supplements capable of addressing fertility issues in men.
The secret to moringa's benefits as a fertility supplement is hidden in the leaves and seeds of the plant. These parts of the moringa plant contain powerful antioxidants, which is likely a term you have heard before if you have any history with organic foodstuffs. Antioxidants are so named because they can reduce oxidative damage in the body, a more common problem than the average person realizes. The worst part is that oxidative damage can severely affect men's fertility levels.
Oxidative damage is a leading cause of infertility in men since it has been linked to damage to sperm DNA. Each sperm has its own DNA that develops in the mother's egg and becomes a full-fledged infant. Unfortunately, too much oxidative stress can damage or destroy the DNA found in sperm and render the affected sperm inert. Without this DNA, the sperm cannot fertilize an egg and yield an embryo. The upshot is that you can reverse oxidative damage with the right tools. The right tools, in this case, are antioxidants. Given the high antioxidant levels in moringa leaves and seeds, the plant has become a powerful tool in combatting infertility in men.
Even more impressive is that the benefits of moringa on fertility do not end with correcting oxidative damage. There has been evidence to suggest that moringa can prevent sperm loss resulting from exposure to harmful environmental factors. Specifically, moringa can prevent sperm loss from high temperatures, electromagnetic rays, and chemotherapy. These environmental hazards are known to damage organic life, so moringa being a countermeasure increases its value as a male fertility supplement.
Finally, moringa might be able to correct instances of erectile dysfunction and, subsequently, increase the sex drive of men. This effect, as mentioned previously, helps ensure that both parties are physically capable of procreating. Moringa has the bonus of helping fix any potential issues with DNA in sperm and making them viable again.
Option #4: Ginger Root
Unlike the other supplements we have discussed, ginger root is likely something you have recently consumed. Ginger is a popular spice that has long been a staple of certain types of cuisine and is even offered raw as a palate cleanser at many sushi restaurants. In addition to being a tasty and nutritious part of a balanced diet, ginger has several holistic qualities that have turned it into a popular supplement.
While we cannot discount these benefits, the main focus will be ginger's surprising capacity to assist with fertility levels in men and women. As surprising as it might sound, the same roots you might have in your kitchen can help improve your fertility levels in some fascinating ways.
Like moringa, ginger can reduce oxidative stress. This allows for the development of healthy sperm and the production of luteinizing hormone. There are also studies linking ginger consumption to improved sperm counts. These same studies have linked ginger consumption to sperm with better motility and viability than the average specimen. The studies on ginger as a fertility booster in men are still young, but the consensus is that this root can greatly enhance the sperm found in men.
Women are not excluded from the benefits that ginger has to offer. While the studies on ginger's effects on female fertility are still in the animal stages, the results are extremely promising. The first animal study of note found that ginger consumption improved folliculogenesis in female rats. Folliculogenesis is the process by which ovarian follicles, the sac that eggs are stored in, mature. By improving this process, more mature eggs are present in the woman's ovaries, and their chances of an egg being fertilized increase.
Another animal study linked ginger consumption to restoring hormonal balance in rats with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a devastating condition known to impact women's fertility, among other symptoms. While ginger is not a cure for PCOS, the fact it can restore hormones to viable levels means it might allow you to fall pregnant despite the condition. Unfortunately, ginger's full range of fertility benefits is still being researched, but the initial results are promising enough that ginger consumption is likely to become a major fertility booster.
Keep it All Natural
While fertility levels are tricky to manage, the right supplements and tools can make a world of difference in improving your odds of having a child. There are few things more heartbreaking than hearing that you are not fertile, but it is possible to undo the damage in many cases. Adding plants like maca or damiana to your diet can help naturally reinforce your body's fertility levels.
These plants have a long history of use in holistic medicine that predates modern society. While this might cause some to scoff at its use now, the fact remains that natural supplements remain the safest tools for the job. Combining these different plants into a single diet can be difficult without using a supplement kit.
Fortunately, we at Bella All Natural can help you with that last part. We offer specialized fertility kits that use natural products like ginger, maca, and more to improve fertility levels. The best part is that we have kits specifically designed for men and women, so whoever is in need can reinforce their fertility.
We believe that natural ingredients are the key to successfully improving any part of the human experience, including fertility levels. So, we encourage you to visit our website and check out our fertility kits today. Regardless of what you decide, remember to keep it All Natural!