8 Benefits Moringa Juice Has on People with Diabetes

Moringa juice has been around for centuries, but the broader benefits of the plant are only now being truly studied. We've written about it before in general, so go read that post if you want some history of the tree and how it works.

One of the biggest potential benefits of moringa juice, identified by scientific study, is its ability to help control diabetes. What is diabetes, though, and how does moringa help it?

The Diabetic Run-Down

If you're already aware of what diabetes is and how it works, feel free to skip this section. This is for education; we should all know what can go on in our bodies. If you don't know what's wrong, you'll have a hard time figuring out if a particular supplement or remedy can actually affect it, or if you're just being sold a promise.

Diabetes is one of the world's largest health epidemics. It largely stems from the proliferation of sugar in our diets. Sugar is used in pretty much everything these days. It's not just American, either; diabetes is a problem in India and China as well.

When you consume sugar, your body triggers your pancreas to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that your body uses to break down sugar and carbohydrates into energy for your body to use.

Over time, when you're bombarding your body with sugar and carbs, your pancreas struggles to keep up. You may end up producing less insulin, but more frequently, your body simply becomes resistant to it. Essentially, you need more and more of it to be able to process the same amount of sugar you were processing before.

The excess sugar your body isn't processing does two things. First, it's stored in the body as fat. Obesity can cause diabetes, but diabetes can also cause obesity. At the same time, sugar builds up in your blood. This thickens your blood, and sugar is corrosive to your blood vessels and arteries. Think of it like an abrasive; it just erodes your blood vessels and causes problems that build up over time.

This is why common problems with advanced diabetes are things like poor circulation to extremities, particularly the feet. It's also why organs like the kidneys, which are mostly made up of blood vessels, are hugely damaged. 

Meanwhile, your cells are starving. They want that sugar to convert into energy, and the sugar is right there, but without the insulin to open them up, they can't eat. It all becomes a feedback loop.

This is why looking everywhere for any possible assistance or cure for diabetes is such a high priority in modern medicine. We know how to treat it, but it's a losing battle if we don't find a way to cure it. 

Where does moringa juice come into things? Well, here are eight ways in which moringa juice might be able to benefit people with diabetes.

1. Moringa Lowers Blood Sugar Naturally

Now, moringa juice is not a cure for diabetes. It's not even as effective as insulin you would take as prescribed by a doctor. It is, however, a natural, plant-based way to lower blood sugar.

How effective is it? It's hard to say. A bunch of different studies have been performed over the last few years, like this one and this one. Unfortunately, they all generally have low sample sizes and inconsistent data measurement, which means the exact benefits of moringa aren't really properly analyzed.

The general evidence suggests that moringa juice can help lower blood sugar by a small amount, if taken on a regular basis. It isn't going to single-handedly cure diabetes, but it can be part of an overall strategy that helps reduce blood sugar and insulin resistance.

It's also worth mentioning that moringa juice is generally less concentrated than the pure extracts used in many of these studies. To get the best effect out of moringa juice, you're going to want to buy plenty of it. Always use as directed, of course. Moringa isn't really toxic, but taking too much of any supplement can have side effects no one is really sure of because it hasn't been studied or monitored.

2. Moringa is Nutrient Dense

One of the biggest benefits of moringa juice is simply that it's a very nutrient-dense plant in the first place. The juice you buy is going to be processed and will be a little less beneficial than just eating the plant itself, but you're also going to have a much harder time finding the whole plant, and it's not the most pleasant plant to just add to a salad. Trust us, the juice is the better options.

Moringa has over 42 different vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in it. Among these are high levels of vitamins B6, B2, C, and A. You also have plenty of magnesium, iron, and potassium. Pretty much all of these are going to be beneficial to the body, and some of them are explicitly beneficial to people who have diabetes. 

Because moringa is so nutrient dense, it also helps fill you up and keep you full. This helps reduce the urge to snack, which is one of the leading causes of high blood sugar. If you're drinking some moringa juice rather than eating some sugary snack, it's a net positive even if the juice was just water. The fact that moringa has all these health benefits is even better.

3. Moringa is Full of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are one of those broad terms that can apply to hundreds of different natural compounds, and as such, "high in antioxidants" is almost a meaningless buzzword. It's thrown on everything with a hint of fruit in it, for example, because fruit is generally high in antioxidants, and health supplement marketers always want another way to promote their product.

That said, moringa legitimately is high in antioxidants. Among them are quercetin, which has the potential to help lower blood pressure, and chlorogenic acid, which is part of what helps regulate blood sugar.

Again, this is a case of a minor benefit that nevertheless adds up with other benefits from other sources. Moringa's antioxidant content isn't going to cause a dramatic change in your life. However, by adding antioxidant-rich foods to your diet in a variety of ways, including with moringa juice, you're going to be overall healthier and more energetic.

4. Moringa can Boost the Immune System

One of the side effects of diabetes is a sort of generalized fatigue.  In fact, chronic exhaustion is one of the ways people are diagnosed with diabetes. This fatigue isn't just mental, it's physical; the body is fighting to deal with all of the sugar it has to process, and it's struggling.

A lot of the energy your body is expending on coping with sugar and insulin resistance, as well as healing those peripheral arteries and organs, is energy that would otherwise be spent on fighting off other diseases.

Diabetics tend to have a harder time healing from wounds, including simple scrapes and papercuts. Longer healing means more time for potential infection, which means more sickness, which further exacerbates the other problems.

Moringa juice, because of all of the nutrients and antioxidants it contains, helps the body fight off infection and boosts the immune system. 

5. Moringa can Provide an Energy Boost

The nutrients packed in moringa juice do a great job of providing "clean" energy to the body. Sure, your cells typically use sugar to power themselves, but they can use other sources of energy as well, and moringa helps with both. It provides energy directly, and the way it helps lower insulin resistance means you'll get more energy from the sugar you do eat.

Energy is hugely beneficial to diabetics for two reasons. The first is mentioned above; more energy helps fight off the chronic fatigue and malaise that characterizes diabetes. Energy is also necessary to help with other forms of diabetic treatment.

Obesity is a primary factor in diabetes. It's almost a direct correlation at this point. The fact is, excess fat in the body increases insulin resistance, so the more excess fat you have, the more likely you are to be diabetic and the worse your diabetes will be. Getting energy from a supplement like moringa juice is great because it helps you get up and active, burning energy and reducing fat. 

Moringa juice is not a weight loss supplement, however. The energy it gives you is really more of a side benefit than an intended effect.

6. Moringa Inspires Healthy Eating Habits

Moringa juice is a quick and easy supplement you can use directly, or you can add to a wide range of different healthy dishes you prepare.

One of the biggest things a diabetic can do to improve their condition is change their eating habits. Minimizing the amount of processed sugar and carbohydrates, while boosting protein and nutrients, is crucial. It's very difficult to do, though, which is why so many different diet plans and treatment schemes are focused around strictly regulated diets.

Moringa can help in two ways. First, it's a good additive to something like a green smoothie, to help make it more filling and to help give it more nutrients to keep your body running. Second, it inspires content like this, with recipes and food options that moringa goes well with.

7. Moringa Lowers Cholesterol

Cholesterol is not really linked with diabetes, but it's definitely a problem, particularly in people who have some level of obesity. High cholesterol is another of the biggest problems people face today. 

High cholesterol is a directly contributing factor to heart disease, which can lead to a variety of problems including heart attacks and death. Obviously, you want to avoid this as much as possible.

Moringa juice has been shown in both human and animal studies to reduce cholesterol. It is, again, not as effective as the actual medications developed specifically to regulate cholesterol, but it can be part of an ongoing dietary and lifestyle change that helps reduce cholesterol organically. If nothing else, it's definitely not going to hurt you.

8. Moringa can Boost Wound Healing

One of the benefits of moringa that has been understood for centuries is the benefit to wound healing. Many herbal medicines began as ways to treat wounds like cuts and scrapes, and spiraled out to treat other issues from there. Moringa is no different.

This is also one benefit of moringa that is well understood. Studies like this one have been performed using moringa leaves, to study how quickly wounds close. They found that it's a remarkable benefit to the skin cells that are responsible for growing new skin and healing wounds. 

The trick here is that it's not necessarily the juice that helps, but the leaves when applied topically. You can certainly try to use moringa juice the way you might use iodine to cleanse a wound before bandaging it, but you'll also want to make sure the wound is sterile and clean as you do, to make sure you're giving it the best chance of healing. 

Overall, there are a ton of benefits to moringa juice. Diabetics can benefit from the supplement, but people with other ailments, such as kidney disorders, asthma, and high blood pressure, can all benefit from the juice as well. That's why we're bringing it to you, after all; so you can give it a try and see the benefits for yourself.

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