
How Long Can You Safely Wear Latex Gloves While Working?

How Long Can You Safely Wear Latex Gloves While Working?

Whenever there's a public health crisis, people look to any kind of protective equipment they can find to keep themselves safe. While few people are going to be walking around in full Tyvek "moon suits" or face-shielding masks, gloves are one of the more common pieces of equipment people pick up. How much can gloves help keep you safe? Which gloves are best? How long can you wear gloves safely? Let's take a look at the questions surrounding glove use. Different Kinds of Gloves First of all, it's worth talking about the different kinds of gloves you'll find on the...

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Can You Safely Use Hand Sanitizer to Disinfect Your iPhone?

Can You Safely Use Hand Sanitizer to Disinfect Your iPhone?

The news is bombarding us with calls to wash our hands, but one thing that seems to be left out of the equation is one thing we all touch every day, and all too rarely bother to clean. Our phones! Phones are in and out of our hands constantly, and almost no one bothers to wash their hands before or after using it.  Phones can harbor germs for hours or days. Studies have shown that this recent pandemic is caused by a virus that can stay active for over 24 hours on plastic surfaces. Your phone is a portable incubator...

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What Effect Does Moringa Have on Your Immune System?

What Effect Does Moringa Have on Your Immune System?

Moringa is a modern health trend with roots in ancient medicine. It's a tree, and everything about the tree is useful. It grows quickly, the leaves are edible, the seed pods and the seeds are edible, the flowers are edible, and it is a staple plant for many. Because of how fast it grows, it's an easily renewable food resource. As with many ancient vegetables and herbs, it's no surprise that moringa has been used for health benefits as well as just nutrition. Moringa preparations have been used to treat practically any disease you can think of, from diabetes to...

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How Long Does It Take for Charcoal Toothpaste To Whiten Teeth?

How Long Does It Take for Charcoal Toothpaste To Whiten Teeth?

Activated charcoal is something of an ongoing health trend, with the ultra-absorbent ingredient popping up in everything from skin creams to detox cleanses. It's even showing up in toothpaste, as people try it out and hope it whitens their teeth without the need for time-consuming peroxide treatments, expensive dental veneers, or potentially damaging treatments. If you're interested in trying out charcoal toothpaste – or if you're already trying it and want to know how long you have to use it – you're probably curious how long it takes to show results.  Unfortunately, it's not an easy question to answer. There...

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